public domain

Episodes 4 & 5 – The Overturning of Roe v. Wade

Probably the biggest bombshell Supreme Court decisions in the last number of years is the overturning of Roe v. Wade last summer. For pro-life evangelical Christians, this was a welcome victory in a 49-year battle, and there has been much celebration. Unsurprisingly, there has been some major blowback, including some directed at pro-life evangelicals, accusing […]

joel muniz

Episode 3 – Scripture is the Filter and Guide

Today I want us to look at something that is of utmost importance for evangelicals to grasp and make a foundational principle in every area of our lives, but particularly when it comes to interacting about politics, social issues, and even theology. It’s the fact that SCRIPTURE has to be our filter and our guide. […]

we hear you

Podcast Episode 2 – Becoming Someone Others Listen To

Sorry for ending the sentence with a preposition, but I thought “Becoming a person to whom others listen” sounded kinda high-falootin’ and might not really communicate what I was hoping… I promise to try and get gooder at this down the road… We want to be people who can influence others with our opinions, beliefs, […]

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Podcast Episode 1: What Are We Trying to Accomplish with the Podcast?

According to, there are almost 4.5 million registered podcasts worldwide, with Apple Podcasts hosting about 2.4 million of those. So why would we think that adding ONE MORE will make a difference? It’s not like there aren’t other podcasts doing what we are – and you’re busy; just like everyone else, right? I had […]

Ten Ways to Help Someone Mature in Their Bible Reading

When a new believer is introduced to the Bible, a whole new world opens up to them. And we want to encourage the exploration of that world. We want them to learn how to read and study the Bible so they mature in knowledge, faith, and most importantly, Christlikeness. So below are some ways you […]

A Bit of My Story…

Hey everybody – I thought I should probably give you a bit of history so you’ll know more about my heart and my history – all of which serve as foundational material for who I am and what I’m trying to accomplish through Discipleship DNA and this blog. Outside of about 2 ½ years in Colorado […]

About Discipleship DNA

We want discipleship to be part of your church’s DNA. Our mission is to help churches create a culture where establishing new believers, maintaining long-term discipleship relationships, and reproducing disciples becomes part of who you ARE as a church, not just something you DO as a church.