I hope that everyone is enjoying the New Year. Here in the Boston area, we were hit with over 2 feet of snow (some places received over 3 feet) and more is on the way. This photo is of my son John Robert and his little cousin Mia after sledding through 2+ feet of snow.
This is the time of year that people seem to want to stay inside and curl up with a nice book by the fire. But it is also a great time to be preparing for the rest of your year. By now I hope you have set your goals, and if one of them involves improving your professional life, then let me share something new that I know will help, a Career Strategy Session (CSS). For those that attended my Goal Setting Webinars in January, you know that your goals help to set your direction for the year, but it is only a first step. You need to then flush out the detailed plans to achieve those goals. An important first step in any plan is defining the all-important strategies that you will use. The strategies lead to tactics, tactics to explicit actions.
Having worked with a number of clients in transition and those just wanting to improve their professional standing, I have used this approach successfully and now want to extend this as an individualized service to all of you. So what is a CSS? It is a 3 step process consisting of some up front assessment work, an analytical review and then formulation of specific strategies aimed at your goals. The strategies will then lead you to your plan for the year. It may sound overused, but “failing to plan is planning to fail” (Ben Franklin), it is as true today as it ever was. If you are serious about your career then you owe it to yourself to spend the time and effort since the only person responsible for your career success (or failure) is you. Past clients have found these exercises to be very effective and as an added benefit when you work in this manner it helps you to build confidence and give you a positive attitude.
If you are concerned about the cost, don’t be. I am offering the CSS for $99 , but for the month of February, anyone who signs up will receive a 20% discount making the CSS only $79 .
Everybody needs a buddy or an accountability partner. Who is yours? My son John Robert has his little cousin Mia on board helping him make good choices as he steers the sled. So come sit down on my sled and enjoy the ride.
If this is something that you could use click here and request your CSS? Feel free to pass this along to your colleagues and friends and if they are interested I will honor the discount for them as well as long as they mention your name.
With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker
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