“Sometimes we don’t realize the blessings we have until we no longer have them. Appreciate all the blessings in your life, take none for granted.”
— Catherine Pulsifer
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. John Robert went into Children’s Hospital two weeks ago today for open-heart surgery, and miraculously, 4 days later he came home. Now he needs to continue to rest, recover and get stronger.
He’s an All-Star, as his shirt shows. He’s also a trooper and a “miracle kid” —which is how they referred to him at the hospital. You know, we expected him to be in the hospital for 10-14 days, and he was out in just 4 days! He is remarkable, and keeps us all in a state of wonder.
On Friday, September 14th he will be going back to Children’s Hospital for some tests. If all goes well, the doctors might authorize him to go back to school. He’ll be starting 6th grade at Learning Prep in West Newton,
We all want the best for our kids. I just want John Robert to go back to school safely. Learning Prep is a middle school, and a new school for him. He’s really looking forward to it, and I hope that he’ll be able to make the transition easily. Especially since he will have missed the first 2-3 weeks of school because of his surgery.
Of course, September is the month all of our children or grandchildren go back to school, excited about a year of adventure to come. Whether they’re off to pre-school or college, we all get to re-live a little of our own history through our kids or grandkids. Take a few moments now to relish this, and find joy in thinking of all the good times that they’re about to enjoy.
Prayers and good wishes to all kids starting new grades for a year full of adventure!
Do you remember your favorite teacher? I recently connected back up with two of my elementary school teachers, and it’s great being back in touch with them. I want to do a call-out right here to Ms. Florencourt and Ms. Tierney, and thank them for attending my workshops. You two ladies are the best!!!
SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, October 16, 2018, 12th Annual Transitioning into and within the Medical Device Industry. Click here for more information and registration details.
Wishing all of you continued hope, inspiration and motivation.
With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker
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