“Develop an attitude of gratitude and give thanks for everything that happens to your, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” ~Brian Tracy
We all have the same 24 hours in a day – 1,440 minutes or 86,400 seconds.
But it is what we do with our time that makes a difference. You will get a lot more out of your days if you approach each day in gratitude and if you make gratitude a part of your daily routine.
Live in gratitude. Be thankful and live by being grateful to others. The Thanksgiving holiday is approaching. It is one of my very favorite holidays. Close family and friends gather around a good meal with lots of tasty appetizers and decadent desserts. It is not a commercial holiday. It is a special day that takes us back to the first Turkey dinner with the pilgrims and the Indians.
No matter what you do on Thanksgiving, make sure that you enjoy the people. Thanksgiving is a special day celebrated around the country. I am sure that the number of people that come to gather this year will probably be smaller because of Covid-19. But, it is about quality and not the number of people. Please consider going around the table before eating and let each person take a turn answering what they are most thankful for this year? Take a moment for reflection.
Remember loved ones that are not at the table this year. This Thanksgiving is the first big holiday without my mom. I am sure it will be difficult, but her presence will always be with us. I also want to recognize the people that lost their lives this year due to Covid-19. Everyone should be thankful that they did not get Covid-19, and if they got it, I hope they made a full recovery.
Everyone has multiple reasons to be thankful this year. I write in a daily gratitude journal called the “5-Minute Journal.” It is a great way to keep track of what three things you are grateful for and what amazing things you accomplished. It also asks you to share what would make today great, daily affirmations, and finally, how could I have made today even better?
The benefits of practicing gratitude are many. People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice & reflect upon things:
- Are thankful
- Experience more positive emotions
- Feel more alive
- Sleep better
- Express more compassion & kindness
- Even have stronger immune systems
Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving Day Holiday!
With gratitude and best wishes!
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker
www.MedDevCoach.com (781) 872-1045
As your trusted advisor, Lisa empowers you to use passion to live your best life and achieve your goals with confidence, accountability, gratitude and balance.
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