“You must decide in your heart how much to give; people need you. However, the best gift is your time (it is priceless) and cannot be purchased in any store.“- Lisa Sasso
It is mid-December! It seems as though everyone we speak to is talking about getting an appropriate gift for their children, parents, siblings, friends and/or significant other. Why is everyone obsessed with buying gifts? Giving and receiving gifts seems to be the rage between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Instead of enjoying the month, many people are consumed with shopping and picking out that perfect gift.
Please realize that you are all gifts in the eyes of your family and your friends. Take a moment this Holiday Season to think about the gifts (people & things) that you are most thankful for.
I am most grateful for having all 4 of our parents in our daily lives. They are all happy, healthy and at home. We are very blessed. My Mom is 79 & my Dad is 80. Earlier this month, they both celebrated their birthdays. My mother-n-law & my father-n-law both celebrated their birthdays in April. They are everyday gifts in my life as well as my husband’s and my son’s life. Their presence is like daily presents. Click here (To view all 4 of them, with us)
Although it is difficult to ignore the commercialization efforts that occur all around you, please take a moment to consider who or what has been a true gift in your life in 2015? What gift can you freely give/share with others? It is not about the money, the most valuable gift that you can give/share with others is your TIME. How will you give the gift of your presence at holiday functions and festivities? What can you physically do to help others this season?
If you are reading this message, you should know that you are a gift in my life and that I appreciate your support and readership of my messages. I hope that you benefit from them.
Wishing you a very special Season filled with Health, Happiness & Presence.
• Gift –Save the date: January 20th, a Complimentary Goal Setting Workshop! Click here
With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker
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