“Where there is love there is life.” —Mahatma Gandhi
February is Love Month— a time to show the people you care about just how much you love and appreciate them. We all need love, affection, and appreciation in our lives—whether that be love of a partner, a child, a parent, a sibling, a friend or even a pet. Love can be shared in many ways.
Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash
Being in love puts a smile on your face. It is a feeling that is indescribable. As I said, Love takes many forms. In addition to our love for the people in our lives, there’s also Love for organizations, jobs, clubs and even places of worship.
We all were made from love and are byproducts of love.
In honor of Love, I wanted to offer you (my faithful list) two FREE things:
First: A FREE Goal Setting Webinar, today, Wed., Feb 10th at 4:00 pm EST
Join the more than 50 people already registered for today’s event and be prepared to Set and Achieve Your Personal and Professional Goals. The Webinar is called:
“Goal Setting for Success: With Accountability, Balance and Gratitude”
For more information and to register use this link: http://bit.ly/GoalSet2021
Do you know what percentage of people actually achieve their goals?
According to Inc Magazine, science says only 8 percent of people achieve their goals. Yes, that means that 92% of people who set New Year’s goals never actually achieve them.
Good Goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant & Time-Bound. Even if you have done this exercise before, it is a good refresher to do it again. Things certainly change from year to year. Almost everybody’s goals have changed from those we set at the beginning of 2020!
I want you to be in the 8%! I want to ensure that you make your 2021 goals, and I’m here to support you. If you want to achieve your goals, you can do either of the following:
Come to my FREE Goal Setting Webinar Feb 10th, – today: http://bit.ly/GoalSet2021
Second: my second act of LOVE is to invite you to sign up for a FREE 15-minute Mini-Consult, where we can privately discuss your goals and objectives for 2021: Please use this link to book time on my calendar: https://bookme.name/lisasasso
In case you’re wondering how much we can cover in 15 minutes, sign up; you’ll be amazed. My secret? Whatever I do, I always use the KISS Method:
Keep It Simple Sweetheart
Remember that I Love You and I Love this Motivational List. I am delighted to share daily motivational quotes and my Monthly Motivational Messages to you each month.
Have a great February and make this Feb 14th a day you’ll always remember. I am excited to share that I was just featured as a Goal Setting expert on Erik K. Johnson’s Podcast “Talent Coach”. It is so appropriate that the podcast will air on Sun., Feb. 14th www.PodcastTalentCoach.com/podcasts. It is going to be a great day.
Try to do something nice for someone you love. Just wait and see the ripple effects of your good deed.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
With gratitude and best wishes!
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker
www.MedDevCoach.com (781) 872-1045
As your trusted advisor, Lisa empowers you to use passion to live your best life and achieve your goals with confidence, accountability, gratitude and balance.