“That’s a great golden nugget that’s going in my tactical toolbox.” — Joe Tati
Happy March! It’s been a year since the very first Covid lockdown in the US, which makes this March very special. It’s the first month that we’re really beginning to see the light at the end of the Covid tunnel.
This month I want to share three Golden Nuggets of Wisdom
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
My first Nugget: The Platinum Rule. Do you know the difference between the Golden Rule and the Platinum Rule?
We all know the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This implies the basic assumption that other people would like to be treated the same way you‘d like to be treated. But did you know there is also an alternative, which is known as the Platinum Rule? It says: “Treat others the way they want to be treated.”
Everybody is different, and so we all have different needs and values. Doesn’t it make sense to forgo the Golden Rule and instead, simply treat others the way they want to be treated? I want you to think about this for a minute. It’s an approach and a philosophy that can affect how you do many things. Which rule do you typically follow?
The next Golden Nugget is about Women’ s History Month, and especially March 8th. It was International Women’s Day on Monday. This was the day to celebrate the women in your life, to honor their achievements, both personally and professionally. In 1987, Congress passed legislation to formalize the first Women’s History Month—giving us an opportunity each year to not only celebrate determined women in the past who fought for equity, but also the hardworking women of today who continuously battle for equal pay.
The final Golden Nugget I’d like to share is: Invest in Yourself. Let me give you an example of how I apply this Nugget in my own life: I recently completed a 3-month Intensive Coaching program that met for close to 20 hours every week. Yes, each week. I am already a certified coach, so I was not doing this to gain any credentials, but simply for self-improvement.
I believe in being the best that you can be, and this has paid off in spades for me. Now, Medical Device Professionals who want to On-board, Transition, or Climb the Corporate Ladder are finding me via social media and on www.MedDevCoach.com. If you haven’t visited my website lately, there are some new additions that I think will interest you: a PDF containing Interviews with Leaders on Climbing the Corporate Ladder, and also a Goal Setting Podcast from February.
When was the last time you invested in yourself? Make it a priority this spring to do something for you. Start your new season out right! If you need my help, I am here to support you.
With gratitude and best wishes!
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker
www.MedDevCoach.com (781) 872-1045
As your trusted advisor, Lisa empowers you to use passion to live your best life and achieve your goals with confidence, accountability, gratitude and balance.