Our world has changed forever. Many unsettling developments have occurred in the last three months. Everyone has been impacted in some way, whether it is an issue of kids and home schooling, adults coping with job loss and finances, seniors confronting isolation in hospitals and nursing homes, or graduates deprived of the traditional celebrations.
I feel especially sad for all the 2020 graduates. They missed their senior prom, senior week, and graduation ceremonies. My niece, Jessica, is a senior, and we all missed seeing her being awarded her high school diploma. She worked hard for four years and graduated with honors. Next year she plans to attend the University of Rhode Island. Another niece, Alexa, also graduated with honors and will be attending McGill University.
Not only do I pray for the students graduating from high school, but also for all my friends who have children graduating from college. With record-breaking unemployment, this will be a difficult time for the class of 2020 to find jobs. My best wishes for success go out to all of them.
The world is definitely changing, and it was good to be back to church at my local parish (St. Joseph’s). It isn’t the same watching mass on TV or computer. Being back renews the sense of community. My son and his friend David went to a local demonstration and held signs that Black Lives Matter. He is learning about our rights to protest at the young age of 13. I am proud of him.
Given the current crisis and requirement for social distancing, this is a good time to reflect on your goals and adapt existing goals and expectations for the second half of 2020. We are all in this together. I want to share my skills in goal setting with all of you. I invite everyone in my community to join me for a complimentary webinar, Lead Yourself Through Crisis: Reset 2020 Goals. I am offering this complimentary workshop at two different times, Wednesday, June 24, at 7:00 PM and Thursday, June 25, at 1:00 PM. For more details, and to register for the workshop, please use the links below:
For June 24, register using this link.
June 24,7pm Registration Link: https://bit.ly/2020GoalReset7pm
For June 25, register using this link
June 25, 1pm Registration Link: https://bit.ly/2020GoalReset1pm
Thank you in advance for considering this workshop. As in the past (for my annual Goal Setting Workshops) there is no cost to attend, but I always ask for any donations (not required) be made to Children’s Hospital. http://fundraise.childrenshospital.org/goto/leadyourselfthroughcrisis. If you have any questions about this workshop, contact me by email or phone, and please preregister.
On Friday, June 5th I was interviewed by Susan Yakima on Facebook live. We talked about the upcoming workshop. You can view this recording using this link https://www.facebook.com/susan.shatzer/videos/10219765503186843/
And let’s send best wishes for success to the high school and college graduates of 2020.
I hope to see you at one of the workshops. I can help you put some personal and professional goals in place for the second half of 2020 and to make 2020 Your Best Year Ever!
With gratitude and best wishes!
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker
www.MedDevCoach.com (781) 872-1045
As your trusted advisor, Lisa empowers you to use passion to live your best life and achieve your goals with confidence, accountability, gratitude and balance.
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