“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all”
— Dale Carnegie
Where did 2017 go?
Did you achieve the goals you set out at the beginning of last year? If you did, good for you. Don’t forget to celebrate! I bet you employed some of the strategies shared during my Goal Setting workshop (back by popular demand, see below). Now that the New Year is here, it’s time to craft resolutions and goals for 2018. Often, resolutions are centered around self-improvement or advancement. Here are some popular New Year Resolutions:
- Eat healthier
- Start working out
- Spend quality time with family & friends
- Get more organized
- Read more for enjoyment
- Become more grateful and happy
- Volunteer and donate more
- Increase savings
- Travel to a new country or a new state
- Say “No” sometimes (You just have to do it.)
If you have attended my Goal Setting Workshops in the past, you know that the only way to be successful is to turn those resolutions into goals. I am again offering my Goal Setting for Success Workshop. This year it will be on January 31st, at Constant Contact, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Those who attend will leave with a personal, professional, and even a gratitude goal.
I suggest you use January to prepare on your own and then attend the workshop to polish off your goals before February. Come to a supportive environment where you will have a chance to think and practice how to write good goals. Light refreshments will be served.
The workshop is FREE, but you can always make a donation to the charity of your choice (Children’s Hospital, Little Hearts, AHA), since part of the workshop will be about gratitude. I try to practice what I preach. I would appreciate if you could register in advance for the workshop using the Sign-up Genius link below.
Even if you already have goal setting in hand, don’t forget the need to find a friend, partner or a coach to share your goals with. This “Accountability Partner” is the key to your achieving success. It is an excellent way to stay motivated as well. If I am youraccountability partner, I say thank you. If I am not, ask yourself why not, and whether you really want to do it on your own.
I wish all of you a Happy New Year. I am here for you. I hope to see you at my Goal Setting Workshop (3 weeks from today) — and when you come, be sure to bring a friend. It’s fun to do this kind of work with a friend.
Good Luck and Happy 2018!
With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker
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