“Nobody will ever care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” Theodore Roosevelt
Happy Birthday USA & Happy Birthday Aunt Debbie & Happy Birthday Nicolas!
We had a busy July 4th weekend. We celebrated the Birthday of America at my brother Joe’s with family and friends. The next day we celebrated my nephew’s 11th birthday and Aunt Debbie’s 85th birthday (born on July 4th). Did you do something special and create some memories on America’s birthday?
Birthdays, Wedding Anniversaries, Work Anniversaries, Holiday’s and Special Occasions all deserve to be acknowledged and celebrated. Don’t you feel special when someone remembers your birthday? You can do this for your family, friends & customers. Don’t they deserve to feel special too?
Many of my married friends celebrate their Wedding Anniversary and do something special to acknowledge that event. So what about companies? What would you think about a company that acknowledges the employee’s work anniversary and also gives special recognition for various years of service?. Big companies used to do things like this, so why don’t many companies do this anymore? It is part of a company culture issue. However, you can create this for your company.
We all strive to be appreciated. You work hard and recognition and acknowledgments are two things that are easy to do. They make an impact on how someone feels about the work that they do.
From the beginning, as President/CEO of Radi Medical Systems, Inc. I developed a unique culture. Employees were appreciated, and we used other incentives such as our culture, stock options, and new technology (that truly helped improve patient care) to entice the right people to join our team. We also tried to remember the special events that our employees were celebrating with a card and a cake. As we got bigger, we celebrated monthly birthdays or key birthdays at tradeshows. It really is the small stuff that makes the biggest difference and what people remember most.
“Nobody will ever care how much you know until they know how much you care.” It really works.
So remember, whether you’re the head of a household or head of a company, you set the example and you can create a culture of caring.
With gratitude and best wishes,
Lisa Sasso, Executive Coach & Motivational Speaker
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